National Focal Point: Cero Mehmed, PhD, Ministry of Environment And Tourism Zlata Grabovac,Ministry of Environment And Tourism/UNV |
+387 33 726 717 +387 33 726 724 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina has been an active member of IPBES since 2012. Unlike other UN regions, which usually represent a common platform at the international level (including IPBES and CBD), Eastern European countries have to work in different ways:
- Active participation in the establishment of global biodiversity platforms (Work programs of IPBES, Strategic plan of CBD; taking into account the interests of countries with economy in transition)
- Transfer of global biodiversity platforms to national policies and processes.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the National focal point is in charge of coordination and sharing information as well as involving different levels of decision-makers in the processes of implementing IPBES advice and guides, but also the processes related to inviting and supporting the experts to contribute to the IPBES process.
Experts in Bosnia and Herzegovina are selected on the basis of an expert database created for the purposes of cooperation and promotion of knowledge. The database is composed of different expert fields as well as the level of expert activity. The experts were initially registered in the database by collecting data from various scientific research institutions (desk analysis), but now the experts themselves appear to be registered in the database. During the nomination, the selection of experts takes into account the required field of expertise, as well as the difficulty of the requested task, after which the experts are sent a written notice by e-mail, followed by eliminations according to the interest of experts and their activities in the field of expertise.
Recognizing the work and activities of IPBES, Bosnia and Herzegovina tries to implement the recommendations and goals of IPBES through the National Biodiversity Strategy (NBSAP BIH). The action plan of this strategy envisages a number of activities related to the implementation of IPBES recommendations and guidelines, which included the participation of a large number of stakeholders and actions. Several projects and workshops have been conducted aimed at networking and capacity building for stakeholders and their better and more successful communication.
Most of the activities involved bringing together experts who match the profiles sought. Also, during the sessions of the plenary sessions of IPBES, our experts, together with the National Focal Point, discuss topics and problems in order to better contribute to the IPBES program.
The project “Supporting Decision Making and Capacity Building to Support IPBES through National Ecosystem Assessment” is implemented through the Center for Ecology and Natural Resources “Academician Sulejman Redžić“, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo launched in 2018-ending in 2022.
The project “CONTRIBUTING TO IPBES CAPACITY BUILDING EFFORTS: COLLABORATION BY IBN AND BES-NET WITH GERMAN SUPPORT” launched in 2017 ending in 2020. Three workshops (3 days) that aims to give: • basic information about IPBES and its structures (e.g. Bureau, Multidisciplinary Expert Panel, Taskforces, Authors teams), options for participation for all types of stakeholders, the IPBES work program and the status of implementation, IPBES products consultation processes which are underway, current assessments which need input from the region.
The ADAPT: Nature-based solutions for resilient societies in the Western Balkans, IUCN launched in 2019-2022
Taking in to account the IPBES decision on the stakeholder's role and engagement, the stakeholders are divided into two main target groups:
Primary target:
- Policymakers ( the communication is regular on different levels)
Secondary target:
- The scientific community (communication is regular, the expert base is formed, good cooperation)
- Intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (very good communication, cooperation, and supportive relationship)
With all stakeholders, we have open communication, face to face, and through emails. The stakeholders are open to contact and to join the network of experts.